| Standard Header | Y | MsgType = E |
66 | ListID | Y | Unique identifier for the order list. All constituent orders will carry this identifier. |
1385 | ContingencyType | Y | Indicates the type of multiple-order dependency. The valid values are: |
| | | 1 = OCO |
| | | 2 = Auto OCO (OCO prices are entered as differential values from the trade price) |
| | | 3 = Spark |
| | | 4 = Synthetic |
| | | 7 = Auto OCO (OCO prices are entered as full absolute values) |
| | | 8 = Auto OCO Multiple Exits (OCO prices are entered as differential values from the trade price) |
| | | 9 = Auto OCO Multiple Exits (OCO prices are entered as full absolute values) |
394 | BidType | N | Code to identify the type of Bid Request. Valid values are: |
| | | 0 = Non-Disclosed (US/Europe) |
| | | 1 = Disclosed (Japan) |
| | | 2 = None (Default) |
433 | ListExecInstType | N | Identifies the type of ListExecInst (Tag 69). Valid values are: |
| | | 1 = Immediate (Default) |
| | | 2 = Wait for Execution instructions (off-line) |
69 | ListExecInst | N | Free format text message containing list handling and execution instructions. |
1028 | ManualOrderIndicator | N | Indicates if the order was sent Manually (i.e. order action is immediate from a human). Valid values are: |
| | | Y = Order was entered Manually |
| | | N = Order was entered by an Automated System, Program or Algorithm |
58 | Text | N | Free form text. |
68 | NoTotOrders | Y | Number of constituent orders to follow: |
| Start Repeating Group | |
11 | ClOrdId | Y | Unique (Client-Side Order) identifier (ID) for this order component. Maximum number of characters: 20. |
1 | Account | Y | Account (code) for which the order is submitted. |
54 | Side | Y | Side of the market. Valid values are: |
| | | 0 = None (used for Flatten orders) |
| | | 1 = Buy |
| | | 2 = Sell |
38 | OrderQty | Y | The total number of contracts to be executed. Use "0" for OCO components of an AutoOCO. Use "0" (zero) for Flatten orders. |
48 | SecurityID | Y | Security identifier. This is the T4 Market ID. |
55 | Symbol | Y | Symbol. This is the T4 Contract ID. |
207 | SecurityExchange | Y | Exchange at which the security trades. This is the T4 Exchange ID. |
167 | SecurityType | N | Instrument type. Futures="FUT", Options="OPT", Stock="STK", Synthetic="SYN", Binary Option="BIN" |
107 | SecurityDesc | N | Textual description of financial instrument (security identifier). |
201 | PutOrCall | N | For Options. Indicates whether an Option is for a Put or Call. Valid values are: |
| | | 0 = Put |
| | | 1 = Call |
202 | StrikePrice | N | For Options. Indicates the Strike Price of the Option. |
200 | MaturityMonthYear | N | Month and Year of the instrument maturity (format YYYYMM). |
110 | MinQty | N | Minimum quantity of an order to be executed. Only supported by certain exchanges. |
210 | MaxShow | N | Maximum quantity of order contracts to be shown to other market participants. Only supported by certain exchanges. |
40 | OrdType | Y | Order Type (in reference to Price). The valid values are: |
| | | 1 = Market |
| | | 2 = Limit |
| | | 3 = Stop |
| | | 4 = Stop Limit |
| | | J = Market If Touched |
| | | F = Flatten |
| | | N = Join |
| | | H = Hit |
44 | Price | N | Order Price. Required for Limit, Stop-Limit and Market-if-Touched order types. AutoOCO: Value is relative from the Trigger Price (Tag 10101). Negative value is allowed. |
99 | StopPx | N | Stop Order Price. Required for Stops and Stop-Limit order types. AutoOCO: Value is relative from the Trigger Price (Tag 10101). Negative value is allowed. |
59 | TimeInForce | Y | Specifies how long the order remains in effect. Valid values are: |
| | | 0 = Day |
| | | 1 = Good Til Cancel |
| | | 3 = Immediate Or Cancel |
| | | 4 = Fill Or Kill |
21 | HandlInst | N | Instructions for order handling on Broker trading floor. Valid values are: |
| | | 1 = Automated execution order, private, no Broker intervention. Default. |
| | | 2 = Automated execution order, public, Broker intervention OK |
| | | 3 = Manual order, best execution |
77 | OpenClose | N | Indicates whether the resulting position (after a trade) should be an opening position or closing position. |
| | | O = Open |
| | | C = Close |
204 | CustomerOrFirm | N | Used for options when delivering the order to an execution system/exchange to specify if the order is for a customer or the firm placing the order itself. Valid values are: |
| | | 0 = Customer |
| | | 1 = Firm |
10100 | TrailingDelta | N | Price amount by which a Stop order will trail the current market. Only used for Trailing Stops. |
10101 | TriggerPrice | N | The Price at which the batch order will trigger the submittal of (suspended) constituent components. |
10104 | TriggerStop | N | The Stop Price at which the batch order will trigger the submittal of (suspended) constituent components. |
10105 | TriggerStopTrail | N | Trail for the Stop Price for which the batch order will trigger the submittal of (suspended) constituent components. |
10102 | ActivationType | N | Type of Activation orders to be submitted. Refer to T4 User Guide for details on Activation Order types. The valid values are: |
| | | 1 = Immediate |
| | | 2 = At Or Above Trade Price |
| | | 3 = At Or Below Trade Price |
| | | 4 = On Market Mode |
| | | 5 = At or After Time |
| | | 6 = Queue |
10103 | ActivationValue | N | Condition associated with Activation Type. Multiple values are delineated by a colon (";"). Refer to T4 API Guide for Activation Value rules. |
| End Repeating Group | |
| Standard Trailer | Y |